Four days down. 171 to go! Actually, my first week back to school hasn't been that bad. My classes aren't as bad as I thought. The kid who said he should kill himself because I'm his homeroom teacher has already started whining about how bad he is in writing. So what did I tell him? Practice makes perfect! We compromised and I got him to write his thoughts out on paper for that class period. After he rolled his eyes and stomped back to his seat.
Writing. Huh? Me?
Nothing. Nada. Nil. I sent a couple of questions to my online critique group and got some great brainstorming feedback. Yet, I still haven't written anything. I got to a point that I threatened to start a new story. My CP threatened to quit if I don't take this story to its end. It's written, she reminds me, it just needs to be revised and polished. I want to finish it and I know I NEED to finish it, I just haven't been in the right frame of mind to do it.
There are 2 contests coming up that I really want to enter with this manuscript. I've got about a week and a half to finish the first chapter and get it revised, which is totally doable if I get my butt in gear. My gut is insisting that I enter these contests. The final editor judge for one of the contests is the exact editor I planned to query with this manuscript. Between this and a few other things, it just feels like fate is stepping in here for me and I cannot let this chance pass by.
My manuscript deserves to be a winner. I just have to remember why.
You will - just read it and it'll hit you. Good luck with it.
Good luck, Chris! And I sympathize on the classroom kid story.
Hope the revisions aren't too painful. But I'm with your CP. Finish the one you've already written. The sense of accomplishment at the end will be worth the struggle.
Ugh, the revisions are a bit painful, but still I see little gems of brilliance every once in a while! I HAVE to finish this. I WANT to finish it. I WILL finish it! Thanks for the support!
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