Friday, March 23, 2007


Keepin' busy? I am. Kinda. Or maybe the days are just speeding up.

I went to the doctor's yesterday. I'm still not cleared for surgery. I'm staying in limbo while we try some other tricks to get my blood pressure stabilized enough for my slicing and dicing. I'll let you know.

In the mail yesterday I got scores back from a contest that I thought would announce finalists in April. There were 2 judges. One was a published author who said some really great things about my writing and gave me good scores. The other was an unpublished person who also had good things to say (seriously), but she gave me crap scores. Um...what happened? Ah well. So goes the world of subjectivity. Moving on.

We've got the GH calls going out this weekend to the finalists. Good luck to everyone who entered. The Merritt contest (part of the San Antonio Romance Authors Chapter) also announces finalists this weekend. Wish me luck!!

After the doctor's visit yesterday, I rushed home, ate dinner and got ready to go see The Lion King on Broadway Across America. I've been talking about seeing this for years (although I'd planned to see it in NYC) and I finally got there. FANTASTIC SHOW!! If you ever get the chance to see it, it is definitely worth it. It brought tears to my eyes. The colors, the music, the costumes were all beautiful, and of course the storyline is timeless.

I fell off the proverbial writing wagon yesterday! My 100 words a day for 100 days reached Day 54 before I missed. Not bad. I thought about stopping at this point and just being proud of my accomplishment, but I really like the idea of disciplining myself to write every single day no matter what goes on in the "real world".

Enough about me. How are you?


TJ Brown said...

Good luck in all the contests:) I think I should hear about the placements in the Great Expectations contests this weekend too... so there's a lot going on in the romance world.
I hope Monday is good for all of us:)

Lexi said...

Thanks, Teri! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too.

Elisabeth Naughton said...

oh geez. That happened to me last year in the Daphne. One judge loved my entry (published) and gave he perfect scores, asked, "Why aren't you pubbed yet?" The unpublished judge hacked up my entry and dinged me for every "and" in the manuscript.

Go with what the published judge said and don't let the other comments bring you down. You're right...everything in this biz IS so subjective.