I'd planned to enter the Daphne contest with Danger. I've polished my first chapter, it's off for critique with my critique partner and I planned to mail the sucker by Tuesday at the latest. (Deadline's next Saturday.) As I was printing out the rules and entry form this morning, I realized I was missing part of the entry.
The dreaded synopsis.
Ugh. It only has to be one single-spaced page and they say it isn't used for judging, just for clarification, but can we say PRESSURE? I don't have a synopsis. I don't like writing synopses. I'm not very confident writing them. When I reread the rules, the first words out of my mouth were, "I can't enter this!"
But I really, really want to enter this contest. Plus, I really, really love my first chapter. And maybe 135 pages into the first draft would be a good time to pull a synopsis together. Who knows? Doing this might actually help me get to the end sooner.
So my new mission this weekend is to come up with a killer synopsis to complement my killer chapter. I know I can, I know I can, I know I can....
Yes, you can...yes, you can...yes, you can. ;)
Good luck!
Hey, Elisabeth, we were both right! I LOVE my synopsis!
Oh, yeah, and thanks for the vote of confidence!
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