Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Coming Up For Air

The Austin RWA retreat was FABULOUS. I read, relaxed and wrote a lot. I plotted the new story. It's a loose plotting, but enough to get me going and give me a map of where to go.

Heart of the West-Danger and I got 4th place in the Romantic Suspense category. The good news is a lot of the comments from the final editor were things I'd already addressed in my latest round of revisions. (The contest entry was sent about 4 months ago.) But my friend Jessica Dawson won FIRST PLACE in the same category! AND she got a phone call from a different editor a couple days later. Congratulations, Jess!

Day job is kicking my butt again. I'm having trouble getting my life back, but I LOVE teaching. The next few days are a bit hectic too, but I'm really hoping to pull myself back together (and my writing life) by Sunday.

But I will find time tomorrow to post because it'll be my birthday!

For now...back to grades and other day job work...


Unknown said...

Happy b-day fellow Libra. Mine's Saturday.

That's the trouble with contests, by the time the editor gets it you've made tons of improvements. That's why I like the contests where they let you change stuff before it goes to the final judge.

Tez Miller said...

Yay for your plotting and placing! :-)

Have a lovely day! :-)

Lexi said...

Thanks, Cat! Happy early b-day to you!

Thanks, Tez!

Avery Beck said...

Happy birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday one day early, Lexi! Congratulations on the finalist slot and glad you had a good time at the retreat. KUDOS on the plotting.

Lexi said...

Thanks, Avery! And you too, Cindy. Now if I could only get back to the new story (or even the old one!) instead of all this day job stuff...