Thursday, November 06, 2008

Out Of The Ashes Of Despair

This morning there was a shooting a few miles from my school and 3 of the suspects ran away. The neighborhood was blocked off, the helicopters and SWAT guys were out in force. Six other schools in the area closed. We stayed open.
The whole situation gave me a GREAT idea for a new book...
Then it worked itself into a character I already had and loved, one of those that had his story way back when I didn't know anything and I planned to someday rewrite it.

Huh...such awesomeness to come from a tragedy.

In the end, a couple of the criminals are still on the loose, but we're pretty sure they're LONG gone from our school neighborhood.


TJ Brown said...

How frightening. And you know you're a writer when newsworthy things happen and you incorporate them into a book!

Lori Borrill said...

Um...congratulations? LOL!

I see you're reading The Tunnels. I'm dying to know what you think of it. It's in my TBR pile. Someone had recommended it as I was looking for scary books. (Big Stephen King fan here).


Lexi said...

Yep, Teri, I always knew I belonged in the odd group!

Lexi said...

Thanks, Lori. The ideas aren't flowing quite as much as yesterday morning.

The Tunnels- It's good. I'm liking it, but I had to stop reading last night because I was getting freaked out by the noises of the house settling as I read. I'll let you know more when I finish it.

Elisabeth Naughton said... scary!!! I'm glad you're okay.

Cool on the book idea though. Raal life is often inspiring.

Lexi said...

Ain't it though, Elisabeth?