Saturday, August 01, 2009

Party Time!

Whoohoo! Another round of revisions on Danger are D-O-N-E! I'm going to relax the rest of today (well, and celebrate being so close to finished!) and then tackle one more peek at the entire thing starting tomorrow. Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Woot! Have a great weekend, Lexi! :)

Natalie Murphy said...

YAAAAY!! Good job!!

Gary said...

Only one more peek, and then finished. Oh how I wish I was at that place!

Lexi said...

Thanks, Bonnie & Natalie!

Gary, don't get excited for me. It's one more peek before I send it to my CPs who will rip it apart. THEN I'll have more revisions to do before I send it to the editor.