Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Quantity Mid-Week

I've officially typed up all the pages I had stored from the last writing challenge (and a few new ideas in between). Well, all the usable ones anyway. Some I'm not sure if they'll end up on the cutting room floor or if they'll be nurtured into beautiful, angsty scenes, but for now they stay. Tomorrow I can get back to the business of writing fresh pages.

Do you remember that my goal for my February Austin RWA meeting was to have a completed rough draft of Danger? I'm eager to find out how far I'll actually get with it. By no means do I expect to have the completed rough draft. After all, the meeting is just under 2 weeks away and I've only got 75 pages. But at the same time, I think I can seriously be at least halfway done. Don't you?

Anyway, my goal for the March meeting will be the same again- to have the completed first draft of Danger. The difference is I'll expect more out of myself and my manuscript. No, I won't expect perfection. (I'm crazy, not stupid) But I do expect to have a lot more depth to it than it would have had if I'd finished it for the February meeting. I'll have 3 extra weeks to complete it so I should be able to delve more into my characters and their dilemmas. Then I can join the ranks of the querying, contest entering, revising, hope-to-be-published-sooner-rather-than-later group!


Unknown said...

If you're halfway done by the February meeting, there may be DVDs in it for you....

Work, write, fight, fight, fight....

Sorry, that was highschoolish, wasn't it?

You go, Girl! (much better)

Unknown said...

Not to mention you'll feel so good about all you've accomplished and have a new process that you can apply to the next book!

Lexi said...

Ooh, that's great incentive, Monika! I'm going out on a limb here and I'm going to say I WILL have 1/2 the book done by Feb.
12th, our next meeting. 30,000 words. The progress meter has to say 50% or I don't get to borrow the DVDs. Deal???

Lexi said...

Cat, you're right! And I've already figured out bits and pieces of the next book that I hope to start work on in the summer.