Monday, July 21, 2008

Hi, Hi!

I tried to post at the beach house, but the computer didn't work for most of the week and then on Friday the computer wouldn't let me. The Outer Banks of North Carolina were beautiful and the house we rented for all 15 of us was HUGE. It even had an elevator (That didn't work)! I read a lot, swam a lot, ate a lot, but I had a great time. I'll see about getting some pictures for you when I get them developed.

Now I'm back in RI and I'm here for another 2 weeks. It's hot. And we have no air conditioning where I'm staying. But that's okay. I've been running errands with my mom and visiting my grandfather so I'm cool enough. I've read 8 books since coming up here and I'm less than 70 pages from finishing The Bourne Identity. Then I'm getting back to Danger. The 10 days in VA (on the road) & NC were the perfect break from writing. Before we left on the trip, I wanted to write, but I couldn't focus enough to write anything good. Now, after the vacation and reading so much I'm ready to kick serious butt on the manuscript!


michellewillingham said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the Outer Banks! One of my favorite vacation spots. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, sounds like you are really relaxed. My blood pressure dropped just reading your post. Glad you had fun.

Tez Miller said...

"We're on the road to Rhode Island..."

I'd totally forgotten that you were in RI. I think I must've thought you lived in NC, silly me ;-)

Have a lovely day! :-)

Kelly Boyce said...

Glad you're enjoying the time off and getting lots of reading done!