Monday, October 19, 2009


After grading some papers, plotting my weeks' lessons and watching football yesterday, I took up the pen again for FP revisions. Got some sound advice and encouragement from Cat and Jenna (Thanks, ladies!) and I think I'm starting to head in the right direction to save my last 50-60 pages. I'll force my butt in the chair and my fingers on the keyboard this week for some late nights re-crafting of the glorious story I'm slowly falling in love with again. I'm behind the schedule I'd planned for myself, but I'd rather it be late and awesome than on time and just ok. I want a chance to "Wow!" the editor and hopefully the time, effort, and energy (not to mention the blood, sweat and tears!) I'm spending will do the story justice.


Unknown said...

You go girl!!

Lexi said...

Thanks, Cat!

Kelly Boyce said...

You can do it! And doing your best work is better than doing your fastest.

Lexi said...

Thanks, Kelly! And you are right. Fast doesn't always equal good.