Sunday, January 27, 2008

Quality Vs Quantity

As you can see from my new progress meter, I've made a little bit of progress this weekend. Not much, but that's okay. This weekend has been and will continue to be about quality pages. I've been tightening the first chapter, reorganizing the 2nd and 3rd chapters and plotting what comes next. I told my CP my goal was to send her the rough draft of the 1st chapter by Sunday night. That's going to happen. I want to start sending this to contests soon so I needed to concentrate on that opening.

Monday through Friday of this next week is going to be about quantity. Yes, my CP may get my 1st chapter back to me sometime in those five days, but I'm not going to worry about it. At the beginning of January, I'd decided to write the rough draft of this book in 4-6 weeks. I'm behind on that goal, but I still intend to finish it in the next 4-6 weeks. So this week I'm not going to stress over finding the right word, or putting my scenes in the right order, or putting in more description. I'm just going to write whatever comes to mind, whatever my hero and heroine dictate to me.

It's another new approach to my writing and I'm looking forward to the journey! As usual, you'll hear all about it during the week. Then next Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I can once again turn to quality.

For those of you who write, have you found the perfect writing process for yourself yet or are you constantly trying new approaches?


Nita Wick said...

Sounds like a plan! :) Go for it.

Crystal said...

You go girlie!!!!!

Shari said...

My muse takes me places I don't expect... I wish I could tell you a "master plan" works. Follow that muse!

Kelly Boyce said...

I'm constantly tweaking my writing plan. Once I start the new book, I'm trying a new method of hammering out a rough first draft in a short amount of time, and then going in and spending the rest of the time revising. I'm hoping to shorten my writing process down to one book every 6 months. That's the goal anyway...

Unknown said...

Lexi, congrats on the progress and on your determination to see your goal through. I think it's important to always be trying to improve something whether it be my writing or my process. And it's fun to hear what other people are doing.

Unknown said...

I'm trying your scene by scene method. Whatever scene comes to mind is the one I work on. It's more fun than chronological. However, I have to say that I am way too Obsessive Compulsive to just jump in. I had this story planned in my head REALLY well before I started writing. Now when I take the dog out for a walk and play a scene in my head, I can write it down when I get home and I'm pretty sure it will fit in somewhere.