Monday, February 11, 2008

And We're Off Again!

Today marks the beginning of my spring writing challenge with my students. 25 kids signed up to start the challenge where they'll write at least 50 words a day for 50 days on a creative story. Some of them even volunteered to write 100 words a day for 100 days with me. My Austin RWA chapter starts a month-to-month challenge on Wednesday. I'm doing 100 words a day for that one too. Two hundred a day is all I'll commit myself to for now, although I do hope to write a lot more! Especially now that the story is flowing and kicking----butt. Butt isn't a swear word. I wasn't going to say something else. No, I don't need to add another dime. You can't make me.

Today's total word count: 525
Total Lenten Charity amount: $3.70 (I've been pretty good since Friday!)


Unknown said...

Wow, you have been good. Swearing-wise and writing-wise. I'm so glad your story is taking off again. I love that feeling!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Lexi!

Lexi said...

Yeah, Monika, it didn't last. I've got holes...gaping holes. But I just have to choose what's the best beginning for the story and then I'll be on my way again!

Lexi said...

Thanks, Nicole!

Kelly Boyce said...

I love this challenge you do with your students. I think it's a great idea.

TJ Brown said...

Great job on everything Leslie... I think I might hav eliked you as a teacher... U dunno. I liked so few of them. LOL

Unknown said...

Hello-- You've been "tagged" by me.

I think your students are pretty cool to do this challenge with you. Happy writing!