Monday, June 09, 2008


That's what I'm writing. Chapter 2 is killing me. I know it's not right and yet I can't seem to fix it. So I did as much as I could and sent it off to my critique partners. Then I thought, hey! I'll start revising chapter 3! Uh, nope. Crap is still the writing word of the day. Then I thought, hhhmmmm, maybe I need to watch a Bourne movie to re-inspire me. Just sayin....

In other news, I signed up for a Book-in-a-Week with my RWA Kiss of Death chapter for next week. With school out, I figured it's the perfect time. I've already got the characters to play with so that should be fun. (Plus, if the next school year is going to be anything like this last one, I'll need a good portion of the new book drafted so I can concentrate on revisions once classes start again.)

I pawned my tutor-ees off on other summer school teachers and I got out of teaching summer school. Granted it was only going to be 3 weeks and I only had 2 kids to teach, but I got to the school this morning and I about cried. I didn't want to be there, didn't have any materials to work with (because no one told me I had to find my own), and my heart wasn't in it. So I asked the other teachers if they wanted the extra tutoring time and they both said sure. Yes, it would've been more money for me, but it's not worth it. My sanity is more important to me. Plus, quite honestly, I've worked hard this school year, harder than some previous years, and I deserve the time to devote to my other career. Now if Caitlin and I could get on the same page, I'd be all set!


Kerry Blaisdell said...

You just described my life: I am stuck in Chapter-(insert number -- ANY number)-is-Crap-Hell, and going to work makes me want to cry/feel uninspired/do anything other than be there. :?)

Good on you for handing your students off and protecting your inner sanctum. Our refi closes this week, and then I turn in my notice. Two weeks after that, I'm FREE! (sounds of slightly maniacal laughter... ;?))

Lexi said...

Hooray for you, Kerry! And thanks for the support on my decision to pawn off my kids and take care of myself.