Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hi There

I figured I'd give you an update. Chapter 2 went off to one CP yesterday and I started on chapter 3. I'm working on a writing schedule now and I love it! I'm managing 8-10 hours a day on writing! If you check out the blog from time to time, you'll start to see my progress meter movin' on up. I can't believe how happy and relaxed I am!

In other news:
Teri Brown has a couple more days on her launch party for her first YA, Read My Lips. Good music, good company, good times!
Tracy Wolff just got her first cover and it's HOT!
For a good time, go to The Good, the Bad and the Unread. So much information! You could spend HOURS on that website. I did the other night. 2 hours to be exact. When I should've been sleeping. So consider yourself warned.
I've added Avery Beck to my Addictions list. Avery used to come to our Austin RWA meetings and that's where I first met her. I haven't physically seen her since last year at Nationals, but I'm now addicted to her blog. She's working toward publishing with Harlequin Blaze.
I've also added Cindy Procter-King. (Procter with an E, notice!) I met Cindy last year at Nationals...where else? In the bar. She's published through Amber Quill Press, but just got PAN status as of last month. (PAN is Published Authors Network, a group within RWA.)


Avery Beck said...

Cool, I get to be an addiction. :-)

I swear, I'm coming back to Austin meetings! I had planned to last month and this month, and the days just passed me by. Maybe after National when things are calm again, because I'm a nutcase trying to get things ready to go the month before.

Lexi said...

I figure I check you blog so often, if I put you in the Addictions list, I'll have the quick, direct link!

And Avery, it wouldn't be fair for me to harass you about coming back and then miss you the first time back! I'll be on vacation in July, so if you want to think about coming in August...

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, post about our pub crawl! Thanks for Addicting me.

I need to update my links, too. Because you're right, having the blogs you read often in the links is a great way to keep up with them. Otherwise, time gets away on me.

Lexi said...

LOL, Cindy! I figured that would be your reaction!