Friday, May 01, 2009

Happy Dancing!

Back in January I told you I took 2nd place in the GOTCHA Contest Series RS category. Well, last night I got word from the contest coordinator that the final judge (an editor I really, really wanted to see my work!) requested a synopsis and the FULL manuscript of Dance Away, Danger! I'll be out celebrating tonight, but then I have to buckle down, put Fractured Paradise on the back burner (just when it was getting good, but I'm okay with that) and focus on prepping Danger for
prime time! if that wasn't good enough news, guess who now gets to go on the CIA tour with Kiss of Death during Nationals????


Tez Miller said...

Receiving encouragement like this will motivate you even more :-) *round of applause*

Lexi said...

Thanks, Tez!

Unknown said...

A full request and the CIA? Score!!

Congrats darling, I love seeing all your hard work paying off for you. WHOOHOO!!

Anonymous said...

Woot!!! Congrats, Lexi!!! :)

Lexi said...

Thanks, Cat and Bonnie!

Cat, now if only I can get the revisions done!

Shelle Cruz said...

That rocks, Lexi!! Tell us who it's going to at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

That's so awesome! Congratulations!!

Lexi said...

Thanks, Shellee and RBN!

Avery Beck said...

Wow, awesome news!! Congrats and good luck!

Kerry Blaisdell said...

Wow, that's HUGE! Big-big-big congrats!!!

Lexi said...

Thanks, Avery and Kerry. I'm sure I'll be blogging about every gory detail of revising and the wait once I send it off!

Gary said...

See that, good things do come in pairs! Fab news, YEE HAA.

Lexi said...

Thanks, Gary! I'd be okay if there was a 3rd piece of good news to go along with those others, though.

Cindy Procter-King said...

That's excellent, Lexi. Crossing fingers she buys it.