Friday, June 03, 2005

Really, It's Not THAT Bad

Hi. It's Friday afternoon. I haven't done anything yet on the book today. I've just been reading (PARALLEL LIES) and watching old episodes of ROAR. Anybody remember that summer show with Heath Ledger from years ago??? I loved it when it was on and I was thrilled when I found it today on the Sci-Fi channel! I got to watch 2 episodes I'd never seen!

Okay, so sorry for all the whining I keep choosing to do. I'm actually a lot better today. I whined on here and I whined to my Austin RWA group and many people gave me great feedback. So, thanks to everyone who came to my rescue! I seriously think part of my problem is the limbo I'm in with my last manuscript, the one that's been in NY since October. Sure, I can take it as a good sign that it's taking this long, but the waiting is DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!! But, I know I shouldn't let that interfere with my writing of the current manuscript. So...

Bottom line. I've decided to do as much as I can on UNDER COVER OF DARKNESS (affectionately known as UCOD for short) until my self-imposed deadline of Tuesday, June 7th. After that, I will switch gears and focus on reading, enjoying my summer and starting the next manuscript. I'll take a week or two off from UCOD and then get back to finishing whatever still needs to be done. So, off I go to continue Grace and Ethan's journey. Wish me luck!


Elisabeth Naughton said...

Heath Ledger - yummy. Didn't know he was in a series. Interesting... *says she as she moves to flip on the sci-fi channel*

Waiting sucks. I'm waiting on several fulls with agents right now. *sigh* Why does it take so long???

Elisabeth Naughton said...

PS...I'm going to link you up to my blog if that's ok. :)

Lexi said...

Elisabeth, sounds like a plan! I'll link you up too!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea to me. Best of luck to you!!! :)