Friday, March 07, 2008


I'm officially on spring break! Bring on the manuscript, the books to be read! I'll be watching mindless TV tonight and working on my soon-to-be award winning book! Update later, I promise. For now I'm going to celebrate being free until St. Patrick's Day!

UPDATE: Yeah, here it is just after 8 and I have yet to look at my manuscript. I've been reading, blog hopping, playing on myspace, and entering a contest. My best friend, Nancy, put together a myspace page for me. I'm learning how to navigate myspace and I'm not so intimidated anymore. And the contest? You'll want to enter this one. Lots of cool prizes to be won! Go to Nita Wick's blog and get the details. It's a scavenger hunt for St. Patrick's Day. Okay, now I think I'll go write a bit.

UPDATE #2 (at 11:30):
Thursday word count: 387
Friday word count: 1061
Lenten Charity amount: $11.50


Elisabeth Naughton said...

Spring break already? Wow.

I spent the day cursing teachers because it was an inservice day (grading day) and my oldest two were home bugging me. I fear spring break when they're here FOR SEVEN DAYS. With the nice weather, they spent all day going in and out, slamming doors, yelling. Ay ya ya...I need those big air-traffic controller orange headphone things to block out all the noise.

Lexi said...

Yeah, and let me just say WE SO NEED IT!