Monday, May 03, 2010


I've got a lot of little news, so here ya go:

Day job- Our staff development was focused on next year, so the boss told those of us who gave notice already we didn't have to go in. I slept in, did a bit of writing, a bit of grading, a bit of job hunting and a bit of laundry.

Suspense manuscript- It's coming. I'm almost through chapter 6. Did a bit of work on it today.

Short Contemp manuscript-Yeah, this one is mostly still in my head, but I entered it in a 1st line contest today for free. I love the first line of the book and I'm dying to get to the actual writing and revising of that manuscript.

Flooding in TN- Our RWA National conference was supposed to be in Nashville in July. With all the flooding, the hotel has been closed and our conference is up in the air My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this disaster.

Summer- I just booked my plane ticket to Mexico for my month-long Spanish immersion program! I can't believe I'm really going to do it!

Hope all is well with you!

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