Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Whirlwind Of Emotions

Yesterday, during my first day of Spanish classes, I felt like an idiot. Today, I felt like I was on top of the world. I expect my emotions will see-saw like this throughout the whole month.

Yesterday, it was unbelievable to be the only person who didn't speak a word of Spanish in a school with 25-30 people. Many times I stared at people with a big, goofy grin and shook my head. Either that or I had the "deer in the headlinghts" look that I am perfecting down here. This is a good experience for many reasons, but the one that comes to mind first is that now I can truly understand what my Spanish speaking students go through. For that alone, this trip is priceless.

Today, I woke up ready and excited to go back to la escuela. I tried speaking a bit more and the whole school took time out of classes to watch the first half of the Mexico World Cup game. I also bought my first item in Mexico, a Pepsi! Tomorrow I go to an orphanage with my school to play with, cook for and eat with los ninos. I'm sure it will be a rewarding experience. As for now, I think I'll do mi tarea, my homework. Adios!


Anonymous said...

It will be fun to know what Wednesday brings!

Kelly Boyce said...

I"m so excited for you! This is an amazing adventure.