Here are some random thoughts/events/reflections about Nationals in Orlando last week.
1. I was sitting in the center of the lobby by myself one day and out of the blue
Sharon Sala walked up to me and introduced herself. She told me she wrote romantic suspense (as if I didn't know!). Then she said we keep writers like her on their toes because we're coming up fast behind them. Then she wished me good luck.
2. After listening to her speech, I have to say I'm kind of digging
Nora. Well, that speech and watching her walk through the hotel with an ice cream cone.
Skyler White, an Austin chaptermate, stopped by to see me as I sat in the bar. She was in the middle of a sentence when she turned to another chaptermate who walked over and started a new conversation. Then she left...without finishing her thought to me.
RWA Nationals did an AMAZING job getting this conference rearranged after the Nashville flooding. KUDOS!
5. The first night I was in Orlando, I was hanging out with
Leigh Duncan. Terri Brisbin and a few other people came and sat with us (in the bar). I am a HUGE
Terri Brisbin fan, but I didn't go all fangirl on her. No, I pretended like I had no idea who she was so I could be cool and not a fool.
6. I couldn't be anything but a fool when I told
Jill Shalvis that I loved her. I quickly corrected myself and said I love her blog and books, but I think the damage was already done. Each time I saw her after that I promised her I wasn't stalking her.
7. Agents are people too.
Barbara Poelle showed up the Celtic Hearts & Hearts Through History meeting to give out the awards to the writers she judged in the Hearts Through History contest. While there, she offered the winner representation in public. Shortly after that, she left to go to the Daphne awards, which is where I went as well. When she saw me in there, she told me I had to stop stalking her. I said, "I'll try, but I can't make any promises."
8. Harlequin editor
Allison Lyons said she liked my writing and she definitely wants to see my next manuscript when it's done! It was an amazing conversation that lit a fire under me and now I can't wait to send her my next book!
9. After the
Kiss of Death Tour to MacDill Air Force Base, I gotta say I still love a man in uniform and no, Navy SEALs are not the only hot military guys!